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"Red Shirts" throw blood at PM Abhisit Vejjajiva's House, Bangkok - Wednesday 17 March 2010

Wednesday has seen the street protests in Bangkok shift up gear as the Red Shirts brought their one simple, unbending message, a demand for the dissolution of the government, into the heart of the city, claiming long stretches Sukhumvit Road as their own for a few hours and turning this artery into one big, slow-moving, red-themed party on two and four wheels. That was after the day had kicked off in Sukhumvit Soi 31, a non-descript sounding name and just one of dozens of minor roads that litter either side of this key thoroughfare; however this soi has one major difference: it is home to the Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, the unremitting focus of the protestors anger. Yesterday, in a symbolic gesture, the Red Shirts as the colour-coordinated supporters of the umbrella group, the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship, drew their own blood and poured it at both the gates of Government House and the Democrat Partys headquarters. Today would see the third and concluding stage of this gesture completed: a stunt that would see them throwing their blood at the gates of the house of the PM. So at around 9am the Red Shirts stated to roll out of their makeshift base camp which is headquartered at the Phan Fa Bridge, a cast iron bridge that swings over the outer moat of the Banglamphu Canal and hugs Makakan Fort, one of just two forts built along the ancient battlements that still remain today. The bridge is in fact registered with Thailand's Fine Arts Department ...


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